Sponsored Initiatives

NETES provides funding from our Community Projects division to assist the following Sponsored Initiatives:

Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg provides the opportunity for a career in recreation through learning the skills and gaining experience needed to engage others in healthy activities.  The Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg offers The Youth Recreation Activity Worker (YRAW) program.  YRAW is one many initiatives funded by NETES’ Community Projects division.

Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc. provides a culturally safe environment where the greatness and gifts of all people are honoured and where traditional cultural values of Indigenous people are preserved.  The Information and Office Administrative Assistant Program (IOAA) program is delivered in partnership with NETES & Ka Ni Kanichihk.  NETES’ Community Projects division proudly funds and supports this initiative.

Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc. [Ndinawe] provides an integrated service organization for youth, focusing on shelter, culture, recreation, education, outreach and support.  Ndinawe’s Youth Care Worker Training Program is one of many initiatives proudly funded by NETES’ Community Projects division.

National Screen Institute provides participants with a well-rounded understanding of industry job requirements and to encourage them to explore the possibilities of a career in the film and television industry.  NETES is one of many partners working with the National Screen Institute since 2005, to develop and deliver the New Voices Program.  New Voices is a culturally-sensitive training course that exposes young Indigenous people aged 18-35 to a variety of creative and challenging employment opportunities in the film and television industry.

Society 2000 provides a comprehensive combination of employment assistance services, cultural events, educational support services, youth and family support referral services, as well as a free emergency first aid and CPR course for their clients.  NETES has partnered with Society 2000 for over 10 years in a cooperative outreach capacity.

Uniquely Manitoba provides opportunities to Manitoba artists, crafters and specialty food producers to have a professional merchandising assessment (adjudication) of their products.  They also offer basic export information through workshops and to refer interested producers to appropriate export consultants and supports.  The Uniquely Manitoba Business for Arts program is one of many initiatives funded by the Community Projects division of NETES.


Urban Circle Training Centre provides an Adult Education & Employment Program that offers up to 43 Indigenous students with the academic, upgrading and community supports necessary for successful integration with the labour market, and for furthering their educational transition into skills development programming.  NETES’ Community Projects division proudly sponsors the Urban Circle Adult Apprenticeship & Employment training program, as well as the Health Care Aide program.

Urban Shaman Gallery provides a vehicle for artistic expression in all disciplines and at all levels by taking a leadership role in the cultivation of Indigenous art.  NETES provides support to Urban Shaman Gallery in their commitment to serving the needs of emerging, mid-career, and established indigenous artists through exhibitions and associated programming, workshops, residencies and curatorial initiatives.


The Winnipeg Aboriginal Sport Achievement Centre (WASAC) provides Indigenous youth with leadership development opportunities, mentorship, work experience and summer employment.  NETES provides funding from our Community Projects division to assist up to 65 indigenous youth achieve employment with WASAC annually.  NETES shares the WASAC objective of increasing indigenous children and youth participation in sport recreation and cultural activities.

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