In 2010, NETES signed a new 5-year agreement with Employment and Social Development Canada (formerly Human Resource and Skills Development Canada) under the Aboriginal Skills & Employment Training Strategy (ASETS). ASETS is the successor strategy to the Aboriginal Human Resource Development Strategy (AHRDS). Under the new agreement, NETES will continue to deliver in-house human resource and labour market programs through our CORE employment services and our training division, Neeginan College of Applied Technology. As well, the NETES Community Projects Division will continue to extend its Labour Market Development Services by contracting with outside community agencies and institutions to provide a broad range of training and employment opportunities to Indigenous people in Winnipeg.
Community Projects is a division of NETES that is committed to working in partnership with industry, the community, institutions and all levels of Government, to enable urban Indigenous people to overcome employment barriers, pursue life-long learning, and engage in rewarding employment and career opportunities. Through the ASETS, NETES administers sponsorship by sub-contracting with community service providers and employers. The Community Projects Division reviews sponsorship requests/proposals, assesses them to determine, which are within NETES priorities, and prepares them for review by the Proposal Selection Committee (PSC). Recommendations are then forwarded from the PSC to the NETES Board of Directors for approval.
The Proposal Selection Committee (PSC) is a volunteer, community-based committee, established to review proposals and make selection recommendations to the NETES Board Directors. The PSC meets four times per annum and may convene additional meetings at the discretion of NETES, dependent on budget availability.
Proposals are assessed based on local labour market demand, organizational capacity and funding partnerships, accountability and types of intervention. Once a project is approved for delivery, External Projects is responsible for contracting, monitoring project activity, financial accountability measures, troubleshooting and project closure.
Please note: Project approval is at the discretion of NETES and contingent on sponsorship availability within the NETES Annual Operating Plan and Priorities. NETES may at times call for proposals that are designed to meet the priorities of our Annual operating plan.
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