Register online, or call to schedule an appointment for in-person registration! 204-989-7110. CAHRD Registration FormPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. (CAHRD) CENTRE FOR ABORIGINAL HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INC. 304-181 Higgins Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3G1 Telephone: (204) 989-7110 Facsimile: (204) 989-7113 WWW.CAHRD.ORG “Applicants to CAHRD’s ISET program must complete this form with all requested information. Your information will be kept confidential in accordance with Canadian privacy laws upon completion and submission. The information provided is utilized to determine your eligibility for the ISET program and the funding you may receive.” CLIENT INFORMATION: Last Name *Maiden NameFirst Name *Date of Birth *Middle Name(s)Social Insurance Number *CONTACT INFORMATION: AddressEmail *City *Phone *Province *How Long Have You Lived In Winnipeg *Postal Code *Move DateSELF-DECLARATION OF INDIGENOUS ANCESTRY: Self-Declaration of Indigenous AncestryPlease SelectStatusNon-StatusInuitMetisNon-IndigenousMetis Citizen Card #: *Treaty #Band NameBand ProvinceMARITAL STATUS / GENDER / DEPENDANTS: Marital Status *Married / Common LawSingleSeparatedDivorcedWidowGender: *MaleFemaleOther*Decline to Answer*Other: Please IndicateDependants (if applicable) *NoYes(#) Children Under 6(#) Children Between 7 & 18(#) Children Over 18DISABILITY: Do you have a disability?YesNoIf yes, please specify here so we may serve you better:SOURCE OF INCOME OR FUNDING: SOURCE OF INCOME OR FUNDING (check all that apply): Amount of Monthly Income or Living Allowance:CheckboxesEmploymentStudent LoansCheckboxesEmployment InsuranceBand AssistanceCheckboxesTraining/Band FundingWorker's CompensationCheckboxesEmployment & Income AssistanceOtherOther:DRIVING INFORMATION: Do you have a valid driver's license?YesNoEligible for renewalDrivers License ClassDo you have access to a vehicle?YesNoPublic TransportationREFERRAL SOURCE: How did you hear about our services? *Facebook/InstagramCAHRD WebsiteCareer Fair/EventTV/Radio AdvertisementCommunity Organization/ReferralFlyer/BrochureFamily/FriendWalk-InOtherOther: *Where do you want to be in 5 years (education/training/other?)PRIMARY/SECONDARY EDUCATION: Name of Last School AttendedLocationDate / TimeGrade 12Grade 12 DiplomaGEDHighest Grade Level Completed *121110987654321Reason(s) for leaving if you did not graduate?POST SECONDARY EDUCATION: Last Post-Secondary School AttendedLocationDate / TimeName of ProgramReason(s) for leaving if you did not graduateLevel AchievedApprenticeshipDiplomaCertificateLicenseBachelor's DegreeMaster's DegreeDoctorateOtherOther (if applicable)Apprenticeship Level (if applicable)EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Employer Employer1Employer2Employer3Employer4Employer5Position Position1Position2Position3Position4Position5Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Start Date1Start Date2Start Date3Start Date4Start Date5End Date (mm/dd/yyyy) End Date1End Date2End Date3End Date4End Date5REGISTRATION PURPOSE: ESEmployment ServicesACCAboriginal Community CampusNCATNeeginan College of Applied TechnologyABORIGINAL COMMUNITY CAMPUS: What ACC Program are you interested in?N/ALearning & LiteracyUpgradingMature Grade 12NEEGINAN COLLEGE OF APPLIED TECHNOLOGY What Neeginan College Program are you interested in? *N/ABuilding Operations TechnicianEarly Childhood Educator DiplomaGas Turbine and Overhaul RepairMachinist - Level 1 Apprenticeship/Computer Numerical Control (CNC)Gas Turbine TechnicianHeavy Equipment OperatorIndustrial WeldingSocial Innovation and Community DevelopmentTungsten Inert Gas (TIG) WeldingCommunity Services and Teacher DevelopmentOtherOther (Please Specify): *CLIENT AUTHORIZATION: I hereby authorize (CAHRD) Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development Inc. to exchange employment related information with employers and/or education/training institutes on my behalf. I acknowledge and consent to the sharing of Personal Information with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and the Province of Manitoba and their agents. I acknowledge having been informed that the above noted information is protected and will be stored in a secure manner. I am aware that, under the Privacy Act of Canada, I am entitled access to this information. I also agree that CAHRD may contact me in the future for updates on my employment and education status. * Clear Signature Submit