Labour Market Programs Eligible
Please refer to the descriptions of the following labour market programs to determine if your proposal concept is eligible for sponsorship. These are descriptions of types of programs and do not imply priority rating. Your proposal must meet other criteria described in the Assessment Criteria and Priorities to be considered as a high-priority project.
Community Projects Application Form
Community Projects Budget Template
A) Skill Development Training
- Skill training that will lead to sustainable employment.
- Eligible training includes academic upgrading linked to skill training, vocation and/or skills training and apprenticeship training (classroom portion).
- All projects must include client assessment/level placement criteria.
- Generally no longer than 52 weeks, but consideration of up to two years of high-demand occupations.
- Allowable costs can include: Tuition or instructional costs; Books and training supplies; Other relevant project staffs; Facility rental; Administrative overhead to a maximum of 15% of the amount requested from NETES, etc. (see budget template)
- All participants must be unemployed, a registered client of NETES and have an open return to work action plan developed with a NETES case manager.
- Project success will be determined by permanent employment placements of clients who successfully complete training.
- Sponsorship is limited. Therefore, projects are approved on an annual basis to be determined by labour market requirement and relevant employment placements.
B) Employment Assistance Services and/or Pre-Employment Services
Given that NETES is required by Agreement to provide a global, Employment Assistance Services delivery for our client group, these types of projects would only be considered for unique, targeted client groups, for short term, project specific delivery. Projects that meet the unique needs of clients by providing employment-related services. Services are targeted to individual needs and or specific client group needs.
Pre-Employment Services. All or a combination of services including:
- Essential Skills;
- Literacy and Upgrading;
- Counseling and Referrals;
- Addressing Employment Barriers;
All or a combination of services, including:
- Return to work plan development;
- Diagnostic and testing services;
- Case management;
- Employment counseling;
- Life skills counseling;
- Labour market information;
- Job search assistance;
- Job finding clubs;
- Job referral and placement.
C) Targeted Wage Subsidies (Employers)
- Contract directly with the employer.
- Subsidy of 50% maximum of employee’s wage up to $6.00 per hour (for-profit employer), and up to $12.00 per hour (non-profit employer). Amounts are negotiated on a case by case basis.
- On-the-job training with an employer to obtain direct work experience and develop job-specific skills.
- Offered for employers who would not normally hire the employee due to lack of on-the-job experience.
- Preference given to employers who are committed to hiring a client participant upon completion of wage subsidy.
- It must not displace existing staff.
- Generally, 26 weeks (depends on skill development needs of client). It may be longer under exceptional circumstances.
- A participant must be a registered client of NETES and have developed a return to work action plan with a NETES case manager.
- The participant hired must fall into one of the following groups:
- Unemployed and a current or previous employment insurance recipient;
- Unemployed and receiving income assistance benefits;
- Low income individual;
- Or under-employed.
D) Job-Creation Partnerships (JCP) (Non-Profit Community Service Providers)
- Job-Creation Partnership or JCP is an employment program that acts with community organizations to deliver job-specific projects that create workplace-based work experience and skills enhancement for eligible individuals.
- Projects should benefit the participant, community and the local economy. However, the primary focus must be on helping the participant.
- Participants must gain meaningful work experience to increase their chances of finding employment.
- Project activities must be incremental, (in addition to the day-to-day activities of an organization`s operation)
- Activities must be finite in nature (project must have a start and completion date for activities)
- Maximum duration for any JCP is 52 weeks, and projects are normally supported only once.
- Projects are supported in partnership with other agencies, organizations and contributors.
- Eligible participants must fall into one of the following groups: Unemployed and a current or previous employment insurance recipient; Unemployed and receiving income assistance benefits; Low income individual.
- JCP cannot be used to provide or supplement an organization`s core sponsorship, replace an organization`s staff, or create a sponsorship dependency.
- As the name implies, this program requires participation (cash or in-kind) from the applicant or other agencies, organizations, other governments or other sources.
Examples of JCP project activities:
- A non-profit organization is celebrating its 75th anniversary, it needs three participants to organize a special celebratory event and develop a brochure and a video on the organization`s history.
- Housing developer teams up with residents and the neighbourhood association to build playground equipment and safe play areas in an empty park.
- A community experiencing an economic downturn undertakes a community infrastructure project, providing work experience for laid-off apprentices from the construction industry that enables them to earn recognized apprentice hours.
E) Labour Market Partnerships (LMP)
- Promote the creation of broad industry/community partnerships necessary to address labour market issues as it relates to the Indigenous workforce.
- Assist NETES with the development of innovative strategies to prepare for future skills requirements and prevent skills shortages within new and emerging industries and organizations.
- Plan for effective utilization of Indigenous human resources.
- Develop and promote labour market intelligence and its use in labour market development as it relates to the Indigenous workforce.
- Proposed activities must focus on an identified labour market issue and be assessed as likely to have a positive impact upon the labour market.
- Projects must include two or more partners, contributing financial or in-kind resources.
Activities funded under Labour Market Partnerships (LMP) may include:
- Related research;
- Development of human resource strategies;
- Promotion of best practices;
- Coordination of Indigenous community-based approaches to addressing labour market issues;
- Projects must have defined start and finish dates, and not be part of a sponsor’s day-to-day operations;
- Preference is to be given to industry sectors that are experiencing projected growth rates in high-demand occupations and current or projected skill shortages and/or experiencing current or emerging issues significantly impacting human resource requirements or labour market adjustments.
Examples of LMP projects:
Strategies and action plan development, pilots and/or material`s development to support inclusion of Indigenous workforce in target industries.
F) Research and Innovation (must be relative to the Indigenous workforce in Winnipeg)
- Research projects that support continuous innovation in program design and delivery.
- Identify better ways of helping Indigenous people prepare for, find and keep market attachment.
- Identify alternative education and delivery mechanisms.
- Study issues on the Winnipeg labour market in which Indigenous people are under-represented.
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